- Portuguese Visual Artist -





Next Exhibitions

03-02-2025 - Almada.
Romeu Correia Forum
Julliet's Coffee Shop
Finish 02-04-2025

29-03-2025 - Lisbon.
The One Palácio da Anunciada Hotel. Finish 29-04-2025

09-04-2025 - Lisbon.
Space of the Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice. Lisbon. Finish 13-05-2025

27-06-2025 - Lisbon.
Artbeat. Cordoaria Nacional. Lisbon. Finish 29-06-2025


Teravarna Honorable mention award 2024

Certificate of Excelence 2022
Circle Foundation of the Arts

Receives First Prize Painting with the work "Christ" 2018

Receives 2018 Personality Award

Receives 2017 Cultural Ambassador for Peace - UN

Receives 2016 Personality Award

Receives Honorable Mention Grade Platinum with the work "Jellyfish"

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Last Exhibitions

Collective Exhibitions in Lisbon, óbidos, Castelo Branco, Linda-a-Velha, Almada, Sobreda, Alenquer, Oeiras, Estoril, Lagos, Coimbra, Póvoa do Varzim, Porto, Viana do Castelo e Odivelas.

Solo exhibition in Romeu Correia Forum. Julliet's Coffee Shop
Finish 02-03-2025

Almada, Portugal.

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